Updating the podcast tool

After writing last week’s letter on using AI tools for podcast creation, I dug out the code for my podcast creation app (produced in Colab) and updated a few things. The new model for ChatGPT is gpt-4-0613 so I needed to update the parts that access the OpenAI API and the result was considerably better responses in terms of the podcast script.

I also thought that instead of it scraping for the day’s news in Johannesburg a better way to showcase what the app is doing is to turn it in on itself. So, I gave the user the option to input a URL (as a basis for the podcast episode) and then fed it our own Develop AI newsletter. Writing that sentence makes it seem like the project is the height of self-indulgence, but hopefully if people can see exactly what the app is working with as a starting point then we can chart its progress. The only rule is all mistakes (and tangents) produced by the AI are kept in deliberately.

You can listen to the podcast (simply called Develop AI) here. The hosts are called Amina, Will and Khaya… if you have heard my voice you’ll probably recognise the Will host as it is me, but I didn’t record a word for the show. It’s also on Spotify.


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